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Mozart Summer Camp Registration

Name_________________________________Address_______________________________Phone Number___________________________Email__________________________________

Options: (circle one) Summer Camp only                                            Childcare program

Circle which camps you are registering for.

June 3-7 music and art

June 10-14 music and art

June 17-21 VBS Kickin It Old School

June 24- VBS Kickin It Old School

July 1-3 no camps, childcare available

July 8-12 Harry Potter

July 15-19 Harry Potter

July 22-26 VBS Gotta Move

July 29-VBS Gotta Move

Aug 5-9 Olympics

Aug 12-16 Olympics

Aug 19-23 dinosaurs

Aug. 26-28 dinosaurs

Registration for June camps due May 20th, registration for July camps due June 15th, registration for August camps due July 15th to allow for planning and materials

Please include a current shot record along with this registration form and child enrollment form.

All enrollment forms may be picked up at our childcare prior to registration or printed from this site.

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